Monday, May 14, 2018

An Ignite about Teaching with Ignites

I recently wrote about how we use the Ignite format of presentations in my school. After a few years of working with students on this particular format I felt it was time that I actually gave an Ignite talk in front of an audience that wasn't entirely my students.

I had the opportunity to give an Ignite talk at the LHRIC Tech Expo 2018 event. The closing session of the event was a 5 Minutes of Fame or Epic Fail session, which was pitched as an opportunity for participants to speak for 5 minutes about a great success or fail from their classroom or school. I decided to take the title, 5 Minutes of Fame of Epic Fail, literally and use it as an opportunity to give an Ignite about how I use the Ignite format with students. I was either going to get through it or fail epically... but I had to do it to show my students we all walk the same path.

So, here it is, my Ignite about Teaching with Ignites:

It took a lot of work, a lot of rehearsing, a lot of editing and revising; all the things I always push my students to do with their Ignite talks. And I took the big stage.

Did it go perfectly? No. I stumbled a lot and missed things I wanted to cover. Nerves. But, I'm glad I did it, and I love the fact I now have my own Ignite video to use with students as a mentor text.

Looking forward to doing another one...

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