Thursday, June 21, 2018

CapCon! 2018 - a capstone learning conference

Every year the 5th graders of Scarsdale participate in Capstone. Capstone is the last two months of school, post-standardized testing. Students choose a topic, research it, and create a final product. It is designed to be a self-directed, passion/interest based assignment. And it used to end with a tri-fold board... But not any more...

Once again the 5th graders were amazing and rocked the CapCon! Capstone event.   

CapCon! a capstone learning conference is our yearly 5th grade culminating activity. For years it was a traditional tri-fold museum, but we just wrapped up the 3rd year of the switch from tri-fold Capstone to CapCon! which is all about student voice and presentations; TED and Ignite style...

I have written about the previous years events (2016 and 2017) and not much as changed from a structural/formula standpoint, the kids projects, however, are always new, unique, personal, and impressive.

The students documented the process on their own blogs. The blogs can be accessed via the classroom teacher's blogs (look for the "My class" menu on the sidebar).

Check out all of their speeches and movies here:
CapCon! a capstone learning conference playlist on Youtube 

The 2017-2018 5h graders did amazing work. They are going to knock the socks off the middle school in September!   Keep up the awesome!

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