Sunday, December 1, 2013

My first #appsmash (including some OS smashing too)

I have toyed around with the idea of app smashing for a while, but have never made any real attempt at a cohesive piece. This was largely due to the fact I have trouble making things without a distinct purpose. I found a purpose and started smashing...

For those of you who may be unfamiliar with the concept of appsmashing it basically means using multiple apps on on your iPad to create a final product (generally including various forms of media such as audio, video, text, images, etc).

Here are a few great explanations & examples of appsmashing...

For my first real attempt I created a tutorial for students. I often have student comment on the class blog as in-class or homework assignments. I thought an app smash was the best way to create something they could refer to when I'm not available...

Here's how it got smashed...

  1. Used Quicktime on my iMac to screen record the process of clicking in the blog & leaving a comment
    1. (hey, it's a 27" iMac, why would I not want to work on a screen that big)
  2. Exported Quicktime movie & saved to Dropbox
  3. On my iPad, opened up Explain Everything and imported the movie file
  4. Used Explain Everything to play the movie and recorded the voiceover while zooming in on relevant portions of the movie
  5. Exported new movie, with narration & zooms, to Camera Roll
  6. Used the iPad camera to take a photo of my lab
  7. Used Tellagami to create an animated version of me to put over the newly snapped lab photo
  8. Exported Tellagami to the Camera Roll
  9. Used Keynote on desktop to create 3 intro & ending slides (Keynote on the iPad wont export slides as images, had to use full OS version).
  10. Used Dropbox to get 3 slides to iPad
  11. Used iMovie to import newly created Explain Everything version of the movie as well as the Tellagami introduction into a new project
  12. Used iMovie to merge Explain Everything & Tellagami, add titles & music
  13. Exported finished product from iMovie directly to YouTube

All told it took about 60 minutes.

The final list of operating systems and apps smashed...

So yes, not solely an "app smash" as I used programs on both the full OS X as well as iOS, but smashing nonetheless.

Fun stuff. Already contemplating my next one...

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