
My Latest Bookmarks 09/24/2011

iPad Creative - GarageBand
 iPad Creative Blog - A superb 40 minute GarageBand tutorial video

tags: apps garageband

62 things you can do with Dropbox
TIps and tricks for using Dropbox - excellent for working with files remotely and on your iPad

tags: dropbox apps

Blooms Taxanomy via iPad apps...

5 Gmail Tips for Teachers | The Thinking Stick
For those unfamiliar with the GMail platform this is a good read once you get your GMail account set up...

A Catalog of iPad Apps for Teachers and Students
Catalog of apps developed by a team of special education teachers, school psychologists, speech therapists, and other educators

tags: apps resources

tags: apps writing

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Chromebook, the new tool for the shed...

I spent my day at Google's New York office, in the venerable Commerce Building of the Port Authority of New York building (which Google recently purchased for themselves for the paltry sum of $1.9 billion, yes, with a b).

I was there for the final event in a series of Chromebook Classroom roadshow presentations. We got to spend the day using a Samsung Chromebook and getting insight, tips & tricks, and the overall picture of the various ways we could use a Chromebook in education.

Those who know me know I'm a Apple guy to my core (yes, pun 'tended) so I went with skepticism on the hardware front but an affinity for Google products in general. After about 30 minutes of using the book and hearing the pricing pitch I tweeted this: